25 декабря 2019
SocTrade took part in the III International Conference "Modern technologies of the soybean industry", which was held in Kiev on November 20-21, 2019.
25 декабря 2019
SocTrade took part in the III International Conference "Modern technologies of the soybean industry", which was held in Kiev on November 20-21, 2019.
08 мая 2019
The DA 6200™ sets new standards for advanced and portable NIR analysis.
13 октября 2014
SocTrade is pleased to announce the official launch of our YouTube channel Subscribe to our page to receive useful information about the most advanced laboratory equipment.
27 августа 2014
The IM 9500 NIR Grain Analyzer has been officially approved by the BEV (Bundesamt für Eich- und Vermessungswesen), the national metrology institute providing scientific and technical services in Austria.